Member-only story
I’m in love with myself.
I’m in love with myself.
I’m in love with myself.
When I look in the mirror and affirm this statement, I think of 16 year old me, staring back at myself in the bathroom mirror at Wegmans exclaiming “g-ddammit I’m so sexy.” Of course it wasn’t until after I said this out loud that I noticed there was one person in the stalls who was definitely listening in on my self-encounter moment.
Have you ever been in love with yourself? And before you answer that question — yes — what I’m talking about is much different than the more generally discussed or accepted expressions of self-love. I’m not talking about running yourself a hot bath, or giving yourself an extra break from work in the middle of the day. I’m talking about complete admiration, faith and devotion to the self. Not narcissism, which can easily be identified by a “grandiose sense of self-importance…” and a “lack of empathy for others.” No. Real, true love.
Oxford English Dictionary defines love as a “strong predilection, liking, or fondness (for something); devotion (to something).” When I think of the current state of the self-love…