Member-only story
I first opened my Medium account as a writer back in the middle of July with the hope of building a consistent blog. If I remember correctly, my goal was to publish seven to ten stories every single week, and I had a loose structural concept of churning out content on the topics of music, entrepreneurship and positive psychology. What a time.
If anyone reading this has either been here from the beginning of my journey, or taken a moment to look back at my first stories published to Medium, you’ll see that my first one was a staggering 17 minute read full of all the things leading me to feel depressed (and more) at the time. Obviously six more stories of that size per week wasn’t going to be a sustainable feat with my 80 hour workweek — running a business, managing freelance work and working on new music projects. And as you probably already know, it’s super easy to write about all the things that seem to be going wrong in our minds, hearts and lives. But what I can’t tell is if it’s more difficult to write about non disaster-related events, or to turn out consistent content within a tight niche.
Honestly though, fuck a niche. Has anybody else been feeling the synonimity between “niche” and “prison” while writing for their own blog? Because I have, and I don’t like it. I think it’s this…